If you cannot receive a parcel in UPS store right after the delivery, there is a simple and convenient option available. UPS hold mail service is an ideal choice for those who want to get a shipment with delay. It is available for every customer - you can store your parcel at the UPS office up to 7 days.
ups hold mail service
We will start from discussing the basic information about the service. First, you can leave your packages in such locations as UPS Store, a UPS customer center, a UPS Access Point™ or the official partners’ offices. Please note that different centers store parcels by their own rules. UPS hold mail service allows storing a package for free during 7 days in the official locations, while partners’ offices can store parcels for up to 5 business days.
The important notice - to order the hold mail service, you must be a UPS My Choice member.
No matter who picks the package – a customer or a trusted person – it’s obligatory to provide ID or another document to prove the identity (passport, driver license, etc). Please, note that the service is not available for Sunday pickup!
If you want to order hold UPS package service, you can leave a request on the official website. Open your personal account to proceed to Delivery planner and fill in the necessary forms.
Also, you can call the nearest office, or the office where shipment is expected to be delivered at, and settle the dates of pickup. Please, note that storage of shipments over 7 days is either impossible, or might be provided on a paid basis.
What are the alternatives available instead of UPS hold mail request?