DHL Global Mail

DHL Global Mail

dhl global tracking

We provide you with the fastest way to track your DHL Global mail. Our online result shows your mail’s real-time progress. Even if you ship internationally with DHL Global Mail, you will be able to see the detailed status and location of your mail. Depending on the distance between the two countries, delivery times may vary.

Is DHL Global reliable for worldwide shipping?

DHL specializes in domestic and international Express services, as well as air, ocean and ground freight shipping. Their global network that covers over 220 countries and experts in each division enables them to meet every possible need and cover any service. So, yes, DHL Global is rather reliable for any shipping needs.

How does DHL global mail tracking work?

DHL Global

dhl global express

There are simple steps to trace a shipment:

  • Be ready to have a tracking number given to your shipment by DHL.
  • Type the DHL global mail tracking number in the designated space and press “track.”

If you do not know the tracking number, check your waybill. In different shipment types tracking number looks differently. For instance, DHL Express has a ten-digit number, while DHL global shipping may have different types of tracking number:

  • Only 7 digits;
  • Starts with one digit, followed by 2 letters and 4 to 6 digits;
  • Starts with 3 to 4 letters followed by 6 digits;
  • In some cases, which engage carriers, the number starts with 3-digit code, followed by hyphen (-) and 8-digit master bill number.

If you have difficulties in spotting a DHL global tracking number on your waybill, check the tracking labels page to know how to find a necessary number. A good rule of thumb in most of the cases, the number should not have more than ten symbols (digits and letters together). If you lost the waybill, please get back to the support team of DHL.
